Happily Ever After
![Blair Flannigan](https://ygovietnamcdn.azureedge.net/storage/Character/Blair%20Flannigan.png)
![UR Rarity](https://ygovietnamcdn.azureedge.net/storage/Rarity/duel-links-ur.webp)
![Maiden In Love](https://ygovietnamcdn.azureedge.net/storage/Assets/CardBack.webp)
![Maiden In Love](https://ygovietnamcdn.azureedge.net/storage/Assets/CardBack.webp)
Maiden In Love
Hiệu ứng (VN):
Miễn là lá bài này vẫn nằm ngửa trên sân ở tư thế tấn công ngửa, nó sẽ không bị phá hủy do kết quả của chiến đấu. Úp "Maiden Counter" lên quái thú tấn công lá bài này.
Hiệu ứng gốc (EN):
As long as this card remains face-up on the field in face-up attack position, It is not destroyed as a result of battle. Put a "Maiden Counter" on a monster that attacks this card.
![UR Rarity](https://ygovietnamcdn.azureedge.net/storage/Rarity/duel-links-ur.webp)
![Maiden In Love](https://ygovietnamcdn.azureedge.net/storage/Assets/CardBack.webp)
![R Rarity](https://ygovietnamcdn.azureedge.net/storage/Rarity/duel-links-r.webp)
![Happy Marriage](https://ygovietnamcdn.azureedge.net/storage/Assets/CardBack.webp)
![Happy Marriage](https://ygovietnamcdn.azureedge.net/storage/Assets/CardBack.webp)
Happy Marriage
Hiệu ứng (VN):
Quái thú được trang bị nhận được ATK bằng với ATK ban đầu tổng hợp của tất cả quái thú bạn điều khiển thuộc sở hữu của đối thủ.
Hiệu ứng gốc (EN):
The equipped monster gains ATK equal to the combined original ATK of all monsters you control that are owned by your opponent.
![R Rarity](https://ygovietnamcdn.azureedge.net/storage/Rarity/duel-links-r.webp)
![Happy Marriage](https://ygovietnamcdn.azureedge.net/storage/Assets/CardBack.webp)